Colonel Francis Gabreski had shot down 28 enemy aircraft but one last strafing run put his P-47 Thunderbolt into a field and “Gabby” into a POW camp.

Franciszek Stanisław Gabryszewski, was born in a small northwest Pennsylvania town. Known to the rest of us as Francis Stanley Gabreski, he left Oil City, Penn. for college at Notre Dame and discovered an interest in aviation. His flight instructor advised him that he did not “have the touch to be a pilot.” In spite of his instructor’s evaluation, he enlisted in the US Army Air Corps soon after and finally earned his wings in March 1941.
Gabreski’s first assignment was to Wheeler Army Airfield, Hawaii, not far from the naval base at Pearl Harbor. On December 7, 1941 he flew his first combat sorties, attempting to intercept the third wave of Japanese aircraft that never materialized.
He had read about the successes of the Royal Air Force’s No.303 Squadron, a unit comprised of expat Polish pilots. Gabreski thought to put his own Polish heritage to use in learning just how they had become so successful. He brought their lessons learned back to his new unit, the 61st Fighter Squadron, part of the 56th Fighter Group’s well known “Wolfpack.”
Between August 24, 1943 and July 20, 1944 Gabby shot down 28 enemy aircraft. He became a leader, respected throughout the group. From 1943 to 1945 Gabreski’s 61st Fighter Squadron would chalk up an impressive 248 aerial victories and made 19 of its pilots aces. While many successful squadrons flew the more glamorous P-51 Mustang, the “Wolfpack” flew the huge, barrel shaped “muscle car” of World War II, the Republic P-47 Thunderbolt.
Building the classics
The Monogram 1/48th-scale Republic P-47D Thunderbolt first hit hobby shops in 1967. Over the years the kit has become a favorite with modelers. Good detail and relatively easy construction have helped the model hold its own against competitors costing three times as much. With a little extra effort, you can produce a very nice addition for your display shelf using this kit.
Start with the cockpit, painting it interior chromate green. The instrument consoles are black, so you can pick out dials and switches in white. A light dry brush of aluminum for the seat and a set of seatbelts from the spares box add interest to the tight cockpit. Be careful with the gunsight molded into the fuselage halves; it’s easy to snap the piece off. Removing the gunsight and reattaching it later is a good option. Complete the fuselage with the cockpit tub securely in place and set aside to dry.
Next, assemble the wings. It’s a simple two-piece affair, but take special care with the four .50-caliber machine gun barrels molded into the wing, as they can easily break off. It’s a good idea to have a spare set on hand. This kit also has a pair of hardpoints molded into the lower piece of each wing. To get a cleaner profile, a little surgery is required. With the pylons removed, fill and sand the area. Once the wings are assembled, cement them to the fuselage.

With the basic shape of the P-47 complete, it’s time for paint. The 56th Fighter Group began painting its fighters in camouflage colors in May 1944. Using existing Royal Air Force supplies, the unit began preparing for operations over France. Camouflage patterns were left up to the individual units, and a variety of styles resulted. The 61st Fighter Squadron Commander, Colonel Francis “Gabby” Gabreski, had many of his squadron’s fighters painted in what he called a “Luftwaffe” style. The more random and mottled paint scheme was similar to what they had seen on their German adversaries’ airplanes. Upper surfaces were medium sea gray and dark green, while the underside of the big fighter remained a natural metal.
Gabreski’s Final Mount
Our model sports the markings of the P-47D flown by Colonel Gabreski on a July 20, 1944, ground-attack mission. During a strafing run at a Luftwaffe airfield, Gabreski made “one last pass” that was just low enough to clip the ground, damaging the fighter enough that he had to crash-land in a farmer’s field. Captured, he spent the rest of the war as a POW.

This version of Monogram’s classic came with a set of Gabby’s markings, but the decals were showing their age (the kit is 46 years old!). The better choice is an aftermarket set. Techmod, a specialty decal company from Poland, produces a number of well-researched markings sets for a number of famous Polish aces. Set 48006 has markings for Gabreski’s last mount.
With the decals on the model, spray a coat of flat clear varnish and set it aside. Complete the landing gear and the specially designed 200-gallon external fuel tank. This larger oval-shaped tank gave the P-47 longer “legs” and still had adequate ground clearance.
Attach the landing gear, propeller and clear two-piece bubble canopy and Gabby’s P-47D “Jug” is ready for the display shelf.